CORE Methods

Core-Methods method

Staff- C.O.R.E. staff are a group of dynamic educators that want to see those they support achieve higher levels of independence. All CORE staff go through extensive training to increase their skills and abilities. Staff participate in over 8 behavioral support training’s that include: Nurtured Heart Approach, Dialectical Behavioral Support, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Mandt Systems, Gentle Teaching, Applied Behavioral Analysis, Relational Frame Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in addition to anxiety management techniques. All staff are drug screened and have extensive background checks including criminal and driving record checks. They also as required by National and state law participate in the School Bus Driver Course and pass the exam to receive their SBC. Within one year of employment staff attend the Association of Community Rehab Educators course and submit their fieldwork to complete the ACRE, which holds National recognition. Staff also receive training in First Aid, CPR, AED, and Blood Borne Pathogens as well as wellness and recreation to be able to provide more proficient support to fully integrate their students.


Benefits- C.O.R.E. Methods is an approach to help students at many different levels become successful within their school and community. When the school has tried all of their usual approaches and nothing is helping the students succeed they can then contact CORE for a consultation.

Dr. B will then come observe the student at their current location, whether it is at their school, home or a placement facility. Her assessment will include identifying neurosensory centering behaviors, a functional behavioral analysis or Assessment of Lagging Skills and Unsolved Problems, sensory seeking or avoiding behaviors.

CORE’s approach is extremely flexible and meets students and educators in their environments. Providing support and education to those around the student to create a path of integration. Their results average 83% integrated within the school year. CORE assesses the school and classroom values and uses that to guide the student toward success by providing recognition and sensory feedback.


How?- Staff receive extensive training on sensory approaches that helps to address the feedback they need. We use the Nurtured Heart Approach which helps to relay values to the student. Dr. B has created a de-sensitizing approach for students that self-sabotage success due to low self esteem or inability to regulate. Our approaches help the student gain successful coping and de-escalating techniques that with cues the student can employ and over time will not need the support of co-management.

CORE’s approach not only focuses on what is going on in the mind with strategies from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy but also on what the student is feeling with strategies and skills training from Dialectical and Behavioral Therapy.

All staff are trained in collaborative and proactive solutions that help our clients succeed. This ensures that the CORE staff are collaborating with the students to identify and implement solutions that the student is engaged in, promoting the skill acquisition and increased independence, where the support from staff fades over time.


Why?- We have found that once the students recognize their successful coping strategies they are able to become successful. Students that don’t identify their triggers can’t successfully cope with them because they aren’t sure what is making them behave in a cain way. CORE works with identifying their triggers with them first. Then as a team, the students and CORE staff identify coping strategies that are effective. As the students believes in themselves and can see the progress they are making they will begin to enjoy the way they are feeling. As a result of this the students will begin to use their effective strategies and cope without the guidance of others.

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Click here to learn more about our C.O.R.E. Methods training programs