Customer Testimonials

Amy Vignola
Amy had the pleasure of working with CORE as an Educational Accessibility Leader, educator, and parent allowed me to witness the brilliant work the team does. Collaborating with CORE, she had the opportunity to contribute to meaningful initiatives aimed at enhancing educational accessibility for all students. As a dedicated educator, she could implement innovative strategies in the classroom, ensuring inclusive learning environments.
The McQueeny Family
For years the McQueens struggled to find a way to communicate with their son Matt, who battled with explosive behaviors. Despite their unwavering love, they faced immense challenges in understanding and managing his struggles. With the help of CORE, dedicated therapists, and their own determination, the family embarked on a journey of patience, understanding, and resilience. Over time, they learned effective communication strategies tailored to Matt’s needs, fostering a deeper connection and allowing them to navigate his explosive behaviors with compassion and empathy. Through perseverance and the support of CORE, the McQueeny Family found a path towards healing and harmony, demonstrating the power of love and understanding in overcoming even the most challenging situations.
Jan – Grandmother and Guardian
With the help of CORE, Jan feels like she has a voice with her special needs grandson. Through the guidance and support of this organization, Jan has found valuable resources and a community that understands the unique challenges she faces as a guardian of a special needs child. CORE has empowered her to advocate for her grandson, ensuring he receives the care and attention he deserves. With their assistance, Jan has gained confidence, enabling her to navigate the complexities of raising a special needs child and ensuring he leads a fulfilling life.
Amy – Mother and Educator
Amy utilized our Behavioral bootcamp to regain control of not only her classroom but her home as well. With the guidance and techniques provided by the program, Amy successfully transformed her teaching methods, creating a more focused and disciplined classroom environment. Additionally, she applied these strategies at home, fostering a harmonious atmosphere and empowering her children to thrive academically and behaviorally. The Behavioral Bootcamp not only equipped Amy with practical tools but also instilled confidence, enabling her to excel both as an educator and as a parent.

Kathy, a dedicated CORE Methods parent, recognized the importance of transitional services for her son with Down syndrome at the age of 11. Thanks to Kathy’s proactive approach and the support provided by CORE, her son, now 22, not only continues to thrive in multiple volunteer roles but also holds a part-time paid position, showcasing the transformative impact of tailored support and advocacy.